The Cherokee County School Board at its called meeting Wednesday evening adopted the Superintendent’s recommendation to award employee bonuses this month.
The decision approves the Governor’s proposal for a $1,000 bonus for QBE-funded teachers and staff and also extends the $1,000 bonus to all eligible full-time CCSD employees and awards a $500 bonus to all eligible part-time CCSD employees. The expansion, which follows similar past actions by the Superintendent and School Board, will cost approximately $2.1 million in local funding. See the agenda item here.
The bonus will be included in employee’s regular December paychecks on Dec. 29. Dr. Hightower noted that this quick turnaround will be completed thanks to extra work by the Office of Financial Management, which he greatly appreciates.
“I want to give a shout-out to our Chief Financial Officer Ken Owen and his department for being able to turn around this for folks and get them this Santa Claus bonus in their December paycheck,” School board Chair Kyla Cromer said.